Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Personally, I could not wait to leave 2009 behind, well... lets include the entire decade in that...what a mess it was. Hopefully this one is better...the year and the decade. I have made quite a few resolutions and this year I am going to stick to it...alas..that is why I am putting them in front of the world to see. Kind of hard to ignore when it is out there for millions to read! Oh..and they are in random order.

1. Make new friends! That one I really have to work on. I think the old ones are getting tired of me and my dysfunctional life! I did meet someone this past year that I wish was always a part of my life. She is really positive and a good person. She is surrounded by chaos, but never complains. I need to find more friends like her. I need to surround myself with positive and fun people! Goal number one!!!!

2. Stop whining! Thank you Dr. Laura! I realize no one wants to hear about any of my problems so I am just going to stop talking and focus on the positive things that I want to do in the future. I am also going to find friends that do the same!

3. Be thankful for the blessings that I have and not focus on what I do not have.

4. Walk more! Too many cookies, ice cream, chips..the list goes on and on. I cannot walk up a set of stairs without feeling like I have climbed Mount Everest. Since I just turned 40..that is a MUST goal. I am ordering the MBT tone up sneakers..suppose to tone your legs, thighs, and all those places that the cellulite seems to go to!

5. Expand my line...I have a some exciting ideas for Corn Bag Critters that I have to follow through with early on this year.

6. Volunteer. My daughter is at the right age to learn about compassion. I want to find something the two of us can do together to help others.

7. Go to church more. I have slacked off recently and I know that is something that I need in my life and is good for the children.

Wish me luck...I will keep you all updated.

Wishing everyone peace, joy and happiness in this New Year!


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