Monday, November 16, 2009


Well, I finally figured out how to create a business page for my facebook account. Between the web site, twitter, facebook and linkedin it makes my head spin. I am not sure what I am going to do with the page, but now I have it, a small success!

I have talked about it before, how I have my weekly laugh therapy with LD on Curb Your Enthusiasm, however last night was way over the top. I am loving the fact that all the Seinfeld characters are showing up on the show, however some of last nights' content was way over the top even for Larry David. Not in good taste Larry!

Another one of my small, but embarrassing indulgences is In Touch Magazine. I know it is shallow, however I love to read celebrity gossip. Hey, if that is my only bad habit....not to shabby! Anyway, I have not received it in months...apparently an address mix up and I am in celebrity withdrawal. Hopefully the problem is fixed and it will be coming to my mailbox soon. I look forward to that quiet hour once a week that I do not have to think or worry about anything......but reading my celebrity gossip! Ahhh..the little things in life!

Have not started Christmas shopping yet, and it will probably be a year like all others...a few weeks before I will run around like a lunatic trying to get everything done. I am planning on purchasing some gifts online....I love the fact it takes a few minutes to order and shows up on my door step a few days later!

Happy Shopping!

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